10 reasons why cheese is actaully good for you not only that cheese can help stave off diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, IBS and many more!
Is there anything better than a gorgeous plate of good cheese! Always feels like the ultimate treat! However studies show this guilty pleasure isn’t as naughty as we thought.
While there’s no denying that cheese should be eaten in moderation, it turns out that cheese is packed full of health benefits.
1. It protects your bones and teeth
We all know that dairy products are filled with calcium, vitamin d, and protein, which help to promote good bone and dental health - but did you know that cheese is the star of the show, thanks to its added range of B-complex vitamins. These help your body to better absorb the calcium, not to mention distribute it effectively throughout your entire body.

2. Great source of protein
A single serving of hard cheese should give you around 8 grams of protein (often dubbed the building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood). I often struggle to hit my daily intake of protein as a women so cheese is a good way to get a large and healthy serving in one go.
3. Cheese is full of omega-3s
Omega-3 has been ascribed plenty of health benefits, with many experts claiming that the fatty acids boost brain health, protect the heart, and ease stiff and aching joints.
And Organic cheese is a good source of healthy omega-3s
Chuck Benbrook, research professor at Washington State University’s Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources studies found organic dairy has 62% more healthy omega-3s than conventional milk, partly due to the cow’s diet of fresh grass
“Pasture grasses and legumes provide milk cows with the building blocks for health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids, as well as the rich, earthy flavour in grass-fed whole milk,” he said.
4. Cheese makes you happy
I think we all know how happy cheese makes us but there is a science behind it too, Cheese contains tryptophan, which is proven to improve your mood. Some studies have even shown that tryptophan can help to manage depression, stress, and anxiety – and that it could be as effective as light therapy.

5. It fends off illness
After the last couple of years we are all looking for anything to help our immune system. Well cheese contains an antioxidant called conjugated linoleic acid which helps to enhance your immune system and protect your body against colds, flus, and bugs.
6. Cheese is key to a good night’s sleep
We’ve all heard the old wives tale that eating cheese before bed gives you nightmares – but, that's rubbish.
In fact, eating cheese before bed has been shown to give you a great night’s sleep.
Studies have shown those people that had nibbled on Cheshire cheese before bed reported “nice sleeps”.

7. It improves your metabolism
Iwona Rudkowska, a researcher at the CHU de Québec Research Centre, conducted a study which linked dairy consumption to better metabolic health. This is thought to be down to the fact that cheese contains high levels of butyric acid, a compound which has been linked to reduced obesity, reduced cholesterol, and higher metabolism. This allows your body to burn energy effectively, not to mention helps protect against metabolic disorders such as diabetes.
8. Jalesberg - can stave off osteoporosis!
Recent studies have found that Jarlsberg cheese may help stave off osteoporosis, small studies suggests
Jarlsberg is rich in vitamin K2, which has previously been found to improve bone health
Eating Jarlsberg cheese may help to prevent bone thinning and stave off osteoporosis, research suggests.
Jarlsberg is a mild cheese made from cow’s milk, with regular holes that mean it is classified as a Swiss-type cheese, although it originates from Norway. It is rich in vitamin K2, which has previously been found to improve bone health.
A small (57 g) daily portion of Jarlsberg cheese may help to stave off bone thinning (osteopenia/osteoporosis) without boosting harmful low density cholesterol, suggest the results of a small comparative clinical trial, published in the open access journal BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health.